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What type of 
services  do you offer?

A price guide and services list is noted here.

The assessments noted  can be used to

  • To demonstrate areas of strength and difficulty and suggest reasonable adjustments

  • To demonstrate challenges for consideration by Personal Independence Payment ( PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) assessors

  • To support a  Neurodevelopmental  assessment pathway referral 

  • To share with educational settings, such as the SENCO (England), ALNCO (Wales) and with inclusion teams in college or university

  • To share with Employers regarding reasonable adjustment and Access to Work needs 

  • To improve your self-understanding or that of your loved one


What should I prepare for my initial consultation?

There are no requirements prior to consultation, however it is often useful to have an idea of what you hope to achieve through therapy. 


You could  try writing down a couple of ideas such as:

  • The top three things you find difficult

  • If you had a magic wand what would your life look like?

  • The amount of time and resources  YOU can commit to this goal 

  • What you have tried previously

  • You might like to keep a diary or journal for the week before your appointment

  • if you have any relevant reports from other professionals, you may wish to gather and share these


Please note:


These assessments are not worded specifically for provision within an Educational Health Care Plan (ECHP) or Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) tribunal in England.


In Wales, Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN), Individual Development Plan (IDP) or  Educational Tribunal for Wales (ETW). 


 Several other therapy organisations specialise in this area such as Ace Children's Occupational Therapy*, Achieve OT*  or Sensational Kids Therapy*.

*This information does not constitute an endorsement of their service and is merely a starting point for your own research.

How can I start working with you?

If  you would like to contact me you can do so using the contact form on this site, or you email You may wish to view  my resources, available at Etsy 


You can use the message function on Instagram or via the Royal College of Occupational Therapists independent practice page. You can typically expect a response within one working week.

Please provide details of the type of therapy you require e.g. remote therapy, face-to-face assessment, or school-based sensory observations, while keeping personal details to an absolute minimum.




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